About the Thames Chess club

Russell moved to Thames in 2013. There was no active chess club. However, there was a movement called Mindsports which had gained traction with the local council. The council advertised and roped in volunteers (including Russell) to assist. Mindsports in Thames was run in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

A few of the chess players from Thames that met at Mindsports got together and played on Sundays at the bridge club. Including Russell and Pat Raukopu. Interest waned over time to the point that it was a couple of blokes getting together once in a while.

In late 2020 The Queen's Gambit hit the screens of Netflix. Suddenly there was a resurgence of interest in chess. Also Ron Lanning who runs the  Counties Chess club has an interest in chess and in Thames decided to organise the first Thames Valley chess championship. We suddenly had to deal with more players than we have tables and chess sets.  Thankfully Ron rescued us by allowing us to borrow 6 chess sets.

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